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Five Smooth Stones for Battle

By Venus Laney

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”  James 5:16

I have often wondered – why five stones? David obviously had an abundance of faith. He believed God would help him defeat Goliath. Didn’t he think one was enough? I’ve heard theories offered up about the other giants and brothers of Goliath; that he intended to defeat them with the other stones. That is entirely possible. But in reading this verse from James recently, it brought David to mind. 

This verse is about purpose and persistence in our prayers and in our faith. Both are required to “availeth much”. Whether David intended to use one or all of the stones on Goliath, we have good reason to believe that he knew his purpose and was confident about his victory. To say that David only needed one stone or that we only need one prayer is contrary to the teaching in this verse from the book of James. 

When we pray in faith believing that we have already received what we are asking for, why continue? Persistence strengthens our faith, our character, and our witness. If we received everything instantly upon praying we would become as spoiled children. But when we continue to press in, believing God despite our circumstances, we are saying “I still trust you! I’m still believing! You are my God and are faithful to answer me!” The world can’t understand this type of faith. But, God does and He is well-pleased!

Immediately after rejecting the un-tested armor that King Saul had tried to put on David, 1 Samuel 17:40 says “Then he took his staff in his hand and choose for himself five smooth stones from the brook”. He chose them. This is significant in our instruction for ‘effective’ prayer. He didn’t just clamor around picking up the first weapon he found. He also didn’t run down to the brook and grab up a handful of rocks. He purposefully went to the stream and selected the stones that he would use.

In teaching the disciples to pray, Jesus instructed them to pray according to the Father’s will. When we are going into battle with the enemy, we need to take the time to search His word. Seek out the scriptures that are written about our situation. Then speak them out in prayer. God’s spoken word is as powerful as David’s stone that landed square between the eyes of his enemy – dropping him to the ground in defeat!

Don’t be disheartened if it takes more than one shot. And don’t let the enemy fool you into thinking it was any less effective if it does. Effectual Fervent prayer! Arm yourself with God’s word and use it with confidence! You will be victorious!

© 2007 Venus Laney



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